Where can I find Drop Flash?
Drop Flash 10% you can only get it with Collection Race and Football.
How do I use Drop Flash?
If you use 1x, it increases Drop by 10%. It should not be confused with DC Flash. If you use 1 x of DC Flash, it increases it by 1%.
Note; Drop Flash's duration is 1 hour. You can use it together with "DC Flash" and you can use it with all premiums.
Drop Flash
DC Flash + Drop Flash
(DC Flash can only be used with GOLD PREMIUM)
Where can I find Drop Flash?
Drop Flash 10% you can only get it with Collection Race and Football.
How do I use Drop Flash?
If you use 1x, it increases Drop by 10%. It should not be confused with DC Flash. If you use 1 x of DC Flash, it increases it by 1%.
Note; Drop Flash's duration is 1 hour. You can use it together with "DC Flash" and you can use it with all premiums.
Drop Flash
DC Flash + Drop Flash
(DC Flash can only be used with GOLD PREMIUM)